[Nhhoa] Fwd: Snake in a home

NHHOA President (Amy Figueras) President at NHHOA.org
Tue Aug 14 22:28:01 CDT 2007

Hi all,

Just FYI, there appears to be numerous rat snakes in our neighborhood 
as there are several reports of them, mostly outside.  Although, we 
had one in our hallway (leading to the children's 
rooms)!  Fortunately they are harmless to humans.

By the way, here is the email I sent to Lyn 2 days after her 
sighting, which has good information and reference links for all who 
are interested.

Amy Figueras
HOA President

>Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2007 02:55:22 -0400
>To: nhhoa at nhhoa.org
>From: "NHHOA President (Amy Figueras)" <President at NHHOA.org>
>Subject: Snake in a home
>Hi Lyn,
>According to this image, your snake is a Gray Rat Snake: 
>Here is some great information on the rat snake species: 
>Some excepts from the above referenced page:  "They are not 
>poisonous and kill their prey by constriction.  They tend to have a 
>passive demeanor and are often kept as pets."  The sites I visited 
>didn't say how the snake could have gotten into your home, but, like 
>me, I'm sure you were alarmed!
>I hope I've helped you!
>Amy Figueras

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