[Nhhoa] 4th of July

angelina morast angelina0767 at gmail.com
Thu May 30 21:55:23 CDT 2013

Every year, well for the past 3 years that we have lived in North Hampton,
we host a July 3rd party complete with  a cook out and fireworks, and every
year we have so many neighbors tell us thanks for the great party, some
even have their kids make cards to give us as a thank you. Many of our
neighbors plan their parties along with ours so that their guest get to
take advantage of the amazing fireworks display. Every year we have a clean
up crew that hits the street the next morning cleaning up yards and the
street. We take extra precautions when shooting fireworks, to try and
prevent the unexpected from happening. This year we even have a Certified
Firework Licensed technician,(he does the fireworks at the Braves stadium).
Several of our neighbors have even asked already if we are still doing the
party, so that they can plan on being home that day.  Today we received a
letter, no return address and no name signed to the letter, but basically
the letter states that my neighbors do not want fireworks this year, we
have been asked to find another location.   Not sure what neighbors since
many express their gratitude for the party, and who ever sent the letter
did not sign their name. Just the initials JP.  Its ashame that there is
always someone that spoils it for everyone. Where else can you enjoy a
cookout and a firework display equal to that of many towns displays, all
right in your back yard. If it is the general feelings of our neighbors
that the fireworks should be cancelled, so be it, but if so, why does the
street close up with so many coming to watch? Please let us know how you
feel, our decision to cancel the party will depend on the support we
receive. Last year the Sheriff came watch for a few minutes then left, they
didn't seem to have a problem with the fireworks, and we always go to the
firehouse and talk to the firemen the day of the fireworks, so that they
are aware of the exact location in case of accidents. hoses are on hand
ready, and although the letter stated that fireworks are illegal, they do
sell them at Walmart and retail locations around town, maybe not the
prettiest that we shoot off, but fireworks are definitely legal to shoot in
your yard. To the person that wrote the letter......  thanks for being
upfront telling us how you feel and not hiding behind just initials with no
return address.
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