[Nhhoa] Incident

Glinda Webb Heard heard4503 at aol.com
Tue Oct 26 14:21:56 CDT 2010

Thanks neighbor

Glinda  Webb Heard
Foster/Adoptive Parent
"To understand the heart and mind of a person,look not at what he has already achieved, but at what he aspires to do"


-----Original Message-----
From: carenrago <carenrago at comcast.net>
To: North Hampton Homeowners <nhhoa at nhhoa.org>
Sent: Tue, Oct 26, 2010 9:58 am
Subject: [Nhhoa] Incident

Hi Neighbors,
This isn't anything to get too alarmed about, but I thought I'd put the word out about what happened this morning.  A young White guy rang my doorbell this morning and he looked a little strange (maybe on drugs) so opened my upstairs window instead of my door.  He said the Old Car City gave him permission to hunt "'coons" on their property and wanted to know if he could park his truck in my driveway.  Like an idiot, I said he'd have to wait and ask my husband when he got home from work.  Then he walked down my driveway like he was going into the backyard.  I went and looked out the side window  and there was no truck.  So I'm asking myself why he lied, why he wants to park so far from Old Car City, and why doesn't he just park at Old Car City.  So I called the sherrif to the house and he took a long walk back in the woods and said there was evidence that people were stealing copper out of the abandoned house back there and to call if we see anyone back there.  He made a report to charge the guy with criminal trespass if they catch him.
It was probably no big deal, but my hackles never go up like this.  The guy made me nervous.  So I guess just be aware like always.
Caren Rago
15 Hyatt Court

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