[Nhhoa] Another referral

Kimberly Hackler Kimberly.Hackler at comcast.net
Fri Jul 17 11:15:01 CDT 2009

I'm sure many of us have windows that are just a little too high for the standard ladder.
And, I'm not climbing up one to try to clean some of my windows.  
So, we hired a service that did a great job.  We hired them for the exterior only but they'll do both.
For a standard window, he charged $4/window! So, as the warm weather is here and everyone is sprucing up, consider this option for your windows.
David Nayadley
As a sidenote, our home is FSBO and we are protecting agents.  If you have any family/friends looking in the area, we'd love your referral.  Agents can call our home number for a showing appointment.
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