[Nhhoa] Rules, a word of thanks, and then dismay

scott and vicki sssvpg at comcast.net
Sun Jun 8 20:43:43 CDT 2008

as an FYI regarding the pool hours, they were set this way in the past for two reasons...

1. this pool requires about 6 hours for the whole pool to filter through the sand filter (turn over rate) and being the high traffic pool that it is, due to its size and the size of the neighborhood, it was thought to give it 12 hours to insure good filtration. And also an hour to vacuum prior to opening.

2. when the pool hours were set we did not have adequate lighting to let it stay open after dark.

I'm sure this will create another rash of "email drama" but  being a CPO, I thought I'd give my two cents.

Vicki Smith
13 Vineyard
 Original Message ----- 
  From: valdez00 at bellsouth.net 
  To: North Hampton Homeowners Association 
  Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 7:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [Nhhoa] Rules, a word of thanks, and then dismay

  Hi my name is Lisa Harrison And it was my daughter last night that let time get away from her. I think it is great that home owners take time to check up on the pool. We have been here since she was in first grade. and she has always been respectful to others. We use to have different pool hours. it seems that it opens later and closes early. But I understand thing change. Our kids have been told that they will be acountable for there actions.  I stand behind keeping outsiders from using our pool. I was asked why the pool opened so late some of the home owners would like to swim early before it gets so hot. I am ok with what ever is desided. Once again thank you for treating my daughter with respect. Lisa Harrison
    -------------- Original message from carenrago at comcast.net: -------------- 

    Hi Neighbors,

    Just wanted to drop a line and say that even though we fit the description described below AND we live on Hyatt court, it was not us at the pool last night!  Since there are only 3 families currently living on Hyatt Court and we have two 5-year-olds, it would be easy to draw that conclusion!  Not only have we not been to the pool this year, our kids are in bed lo-o-o-ng before 10:00 pm. : )

    Besides, I'm not rude, not uncooperative, and I'm very nice. ; )

    Frank and Caren Rago

      -------------- Original message -------------- 
      From: "NHHOA Treasurer" <treasurer at nhhoa.org> 

      I just wanted to say that my faith in human behavior was temporarily restored last evening.


      When coming back from dinner with friends around 10PM, we noticed someone swimming at the pool.  Honestly, I figured it was someone from outside of the neighborhood taking advantage of our amenities which we all pay for.  I walked up and said I'm sorry but the pool closes at 9:00pm.  They were very nice and apologized for letting the time get away from them.  They told me that they lived on Centerport.  I just wanted to say "Thank you" to the two ladies for being so nice and understanding.


      At the next BOD meeting, discussion will take place due to requests to extend the pool hours, and hopefully we can do just that.


      Why did I say my faith was temporarily restored?


      At the same time the conversation above was going on, a car with a Lady and 2 children pulled into the pool area.  My friend that was with us, and also a resident here in North Hampton, walked over and told the lady , word for word, "Excuse me Maam, but the pool closes at 9:00".  She said OK.


      We left and dropped our friends off at their home.  Something told me to go back by the pool.  Sure enough, the lady and 2 children were in the pool swimming.  How did they get in since I ensured the gate was closed and the lock doesn't open from the outside after 9:00pm?  Only one way - someone had to jump the fence.  I confronted her again, after calling Walker to come over for some backup - just in case.  She was rude, uncooperative, and just plain not nice at all.  She finally said she was leaving.  I asked her if she lived in North Hampton, and she said yes, on Hyatt Court.  I asked what house and she told me that "that doesn't matter".   I didn't have the energy to follow.


      There goes my faith in human nature again - right down the tubes.


      Why does any of this matter?


      Because when we purchased our home here, we read the CCRs, the Bylaws, and agreed that they were a good thing to protect our long term investment.  If the rules aren't enforced, or selectively enforced, it can lead to invalidation of all of the rules and covenants.  Do I like all of the rules?  No, I would like to see some of them, changed.  Do I abide by the rules, even the ones that I don't like - yes.  For the reasons stated above.


      I'm sorry for venting, but my frustration level is getting very high.  


      Can someone help me understand what makes people think that they have the right to do absolutely anything they want - rules or no rules?  


      Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with things like this?


      It seems that 90% of the time and effort is spent on 10% of the people.




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