[Nhhoa] Outside Looking In....

Community Outreach Committee coc at nhhoa.org
Mon Apr 28 22:37:51 CDT 2008

Mr. Hudson, "BRAVO".  I couldn't have said it better myself.  What matters is North Hampton and everyone aligning with improving our neighborhood and relationships.  Another impovement measure is the implementation of a formal Neighborhood Watch program that is forthcoming.  
I have certainly gotten frustrated at times but I won't loose sight of why we purchased a home in this neighborhood - IT IS BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE.  Why would we want to diminsh that?
Amy is an experienced HOA President and I have confidence that she is capable of running a productive NHHOA Annual Meeting.  Heck, she took on the street lighting contract this year and negotiated a new deal that yielded significant savings - look at the details of your budget; you'll see what she did!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ty Hudson 
  To: North Hampton Homeowners Association 
  Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 9:56 PM
  Subject: [Nhhoa] Outside Looking In....

  Now Fellow Homeowners....

  As a former HOA President at my former residence, I am saddened to see that the same behavior occurs regardless of the subdivision.  

  I hope that as you read the various barbs and attacks that are being levied that you remember at the same time that the presidency is a volunteer position.  I am sure that with the upcoming board meeting approaching that this type of behavior will lead to a huge line forming for people who cannot wait to be president and suffer the same fate....

  Please tell me why anyone would want to run....When you see public figures bow out of running for offices, it is generally because of the stress that is put on a family for their background or for their actions....and those are for paid positions....  Remind me again how much the NHHOA Presidency pays??

  I took my job seriously and put in countless hours into my term and the reward was to see the values of homes rise in my neighborhood while surrounding areas were on the slide.... The toils of those hours and the stresses is why today that my wife does not want me to run again....  To avoid the back and forth banter of a few choices apples in the bunch...  As president, you act in a way that is most beneficial....not to perfection as you will never please everyone...

  To see that an issue so trivial as pool servicing has caused such an outrage and embarrassment and then to call out someone over an Easter Egg hunt is truly sad.  Amy simply asked if anyone had some contacts with a pool service company.  She did so with the best of intentions and look where it has led...

  I hope that everyone who has taken the time to comment to date on this will have the willingness to come to the board meeting and end this....  We need to unite and pursue common goals that improve both the safety and security of the subdivision as well as the value of our subdivision as a whole.  The purpose of the community email is communication....not slander and bashing of your fellow neighbors...  If that is what it continues to be, I would move that we abolish the email as a public forum....  

  From what I have seen so far (only here since October), I am very impressed with the subdivision and the board.  I look forwards to a great future here at North Hampton and hope that this too shall pass.  I look forwards to coming together on the 13th of May as an opportunity for mass healing and not utter destruction.
  I want to be a community of block parties and meet and greets, not hide and whispers and back stabbing...

  Take a second and prioritize what is important here....  Are statements that are made a positive for the future??  If not, do they offer a solution??  I conducted a town hall meeting when I first joined my HOA in my last subdivision.  I addressed everyone and laid down some ground rules that had to be followed....  If you had a problem, then you had to address it with a well thought out rational answer to correct it.  Being that the Board is made up of volunteers, why is it their task to solve your problems....  For example, I can come to the next meeting and state that I do not know enough of my neighbors...is that the job of the Board to fix that??  No, so I come with a solution of being willing to head up a block party for my end of Centerport and open it up for others to head up their portion.  No one is going to fault anyone for effort, it is generally lack thereof that is the root of the problem....  So....if you feel the need to bring up a problem or a concern, as a fellow neighbor, I ask that you come with a fix or asolution to solve it...

  For the sake of peace going forwards, please all take a breath and be thankful for the positives....we can prioritize the concerns in a proper fashion on the 13th...I look forwards to meeting all of you there....


  Ty Hudson
  11 Centerport


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