[Nhhoa] Mortar firecrackers in mailboxes

cdhan at bellsouth.net cdhan at bellsouth.net
Sat Apr 5 13:57:50 CDT 2008

I wonder if the guys you described live in the neighborhood or not. I am the media specialist at Cass Middle School, and I recognize many kids using the common area for skateboarding and such. Most of the time I recognize at least one neighborhood resident in the group, but not always. There are some kids who live in Whispering Pines that I see here frequently. 

Living across from the common area, I often see things I wish I didn't. Often we have to ask kids not to skateboard on the tennis court. Most of the time they are on the parking lot now. We also see people taking dogs into the tennis and pool enclosures (these are almost always adults).

It's up to all of us to watch our common area as well as the homes in our neighborhood. 

Debbie Hanenkrat
19 North Hampton

-------------- Original message from Ty Hudson <moniqueandty at yahoo.com>: -------------- 

In speaking to my wife tonight, we have seen a couple of teenagers that continue to take a walk up our street (north on Centerport) and then cross over and out at the rocks between the houses that are 2 doors up from me (still in the cul-de-sac) going back over towards Dollar General.  Now I am certainly not one to judge anyone's children but the 4 young men that my wife described today were not something that I want hanging around my home and cutting thru the woods when I am not home and have 2 young children to protect.  She said two of them were shirtless...granted it was warm but not that warm...  If these were your children, again I am not trying to offend, but cutting through people's yards is not polite or proper especially when the type of mischief in the subdivision is going on....  If I get home and see them again, I will know exactly who they are as I have no problem asking and protect my boundaries and those of my neighbors down here....

Ty Hudson

mike kodey <mikekodey at hotmail.com> wrote:
Saturday evening around 8pm we noticed one of our neighbors lighting off fireworks seem kinda coincidental don't know if you saw them but they were large fireworks that went several feet in the air we live off centerport it was the second or third house on the right if you are coming from nh drive make a left on centerport then a right on the next road (i think vineyard)  hope this helps keep us  updated

jennifer kodey
32 centerport drive 

> Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2008 09:51:25 -0400
> To: nhhoa at nhhoa.org
> From: President at NHHOA.org
> Subject: [Nhhoa] Mortar firecrackers in mailboxes
> This morning my husband discovered that a mortar firecracker had been 
> set off in our mailbox during the night.
> As he was driving out of the neighborhood, he noticed one or two more 
> mailboxes that were open with firecracker remains (without actively 
> looking for them), and there may be more.
> My first thought is this is an immature response to our setting up 
> the neighborhood watch... all the more reason to do so.
> I know it occurred after 1 AM and probably after 3 AM when I went to 
> sleep, assuming one would hear a mortar firecracker exploding in your mailbox.
> My husband being a Juvenile Probation Officer doesn't take this too 
> lightly, to say the least. Perpetrators beware.
> The Bartow County police are on their way to make a report and gather 
> as much information as possible.
> If anyone has any information on this or if your mailbox was 
> targeted, please reply to all.
> Thanks,
> Amy Figueras
> Neighbor and President, NHHOA
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